Change log


This component renders a form input element allowing a quantity to be set for when the source item is added to the shopping cart.

{% component type: "ecommerce_item_quantity", itemId: "<Item ID>" %}

Parameters and Options


This is the name of the entity that needs to be used for the component retrieving function.

<Item ID>
The module item ID (specific Product) the data is to be sourced from

Path to file that will contain the Liquid layout content to be parsed.

If an empty string, nothing will be rendered.
If paramater is not included, the default virtual layout will be rendered (see below).


Assigns the data to a Liquid collection enabling further access to the data on the Page or Template using Liquid.

Your collectionVariable value must only contain English letters, numbers or underscores. Spaces or special characters are not supported.

Liquid Output

The below example shows the output data for the specified item ID. The Liquid data output from this example would look like the following (for example, when using a collectionVariable to create the collection):

  "Id": 2535,
  "Name": "DEMO Product 1",
  "Url": "/catalogs/demo-product-1",
  "Url_List": [
  "UrlSlug": "demo-product-1",
  "ParentId": 2485,
  "ParentId_List": [
  "ParentName": "",
  "ParentUrl": "",
  "TemplateName": "",
  "Module_Alias": "Product",
  "Module_ID": 2485,
  "Enabled": true,
  "ReleaseDate": "2020-05-04T23:00:00",
  "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-11T13:00:00",
  "SiteSearchKeywords": [
  "Description": "<p>Sample product 1 for the ecommerce store.</p>",
  "Weighting": 0,
  "DisableForSiteSearch": false,
  "SKUCode": "DEMO1",
  "SmallImage": "/images/template-detail-dinewine-mobile@2x.png",
  "LargeImage": "/images/template-detail-dinewine-desktop@2x.jpg",
  "OnSale": false,
  "IsGiftVoucher": false,
  "ProductWeight": 0.0000,
  "ProductWidth": 0.0000,
  "ProductHeight": 0.0000,
  "ProductDepth": 0.0000,
  "EnableDropShipping": false,
  "UnitType": "",
  "MinimumUnits": 0,
  "MaximumUnits": 0,
  "RecurringType": "None",
  "IsShippable": true,
  "IsDownloadable": false,
  "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0,
  "Supplier": 0,
  "Price": 39.9500,
  "PriceHtml": "<span data-cms_product_data_price=\"2535\">39.95</span>",
  "priceWithTax": 41.55,
  "priceWithTaxHtml": "<span data-cms_product_data_price_with_tax=\"2535\">41.55</span>",
  "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 51.95,
  "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "<span data-cms_product_data_recommended_price_with_tax=\"2535\">51.95</span>",
  "RecommendedPrice": 49.9500,
  "RecommendedPriceHtml": "<span data-cms_product_data_recommended_price=\"2535\">49.95</span>",
  "EnableInventoryControl": true,
  "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": true,
  "InStockHtml": "<span data-cms_product_data_in_stock=\"2535\">170</span>",
  "IsHide": false,
  "InStock": 170,
  "IsDisable": false,
  "taxRate": 0.0400,
  "IsGroupedProduct": true,
  "decimalsQuantity": 2,
  "VolumeDiscount": [
      "Price": 39.9500,
      "Quantity": 0
  "ProductDataJSON": {
    "itemId": 2535,
    "maximumUnits": 0,
    "minimumUnits": 0,
    "recommendedPrice": 49.9500,
    "QuantityThreshold": [
        "Price": 39.9500,
        "Quantity": 0
    "inStockTotal": 170,
    "prices": {
      "0": 39.9500
    "enablePreOrder": false,
    "variations": {
      "4608": {
        "id": "4608",
        "enabled": true,
        "inStock": 70,
        "optionIds": [
      "4606": {
        "id": "4606",
        "enabled": true,
        "inStock": 0,
        "optionIds": [
      "4604": {
        "id": "4604",
        "enabled": true,
        "inStock": 100,
        "optionIds": [
    "attributes": {
      "3661": {
        "id": "3661",
        "isInventory": true,
        "name": "Size",
        "type": 2,
        "required": true,
        "optionIds": [
    "options": {
      "3652": {
        "id": "3652",
        "attributeId": "3661",
        "name": "Small",
        "image": "/images/template-detail-crafter-mobile.png",
        "price": 0.0000
      "3653": {
        "id": "3653",
        "attributeId": "3661",
        "name": "Medium",
        "image": "/images/template-crafter@2x.jpg",
        "price": 2.0000
      "3654": {
        "id": "3654",
        "attributeId": "3661",
        "name": "Large",
        "image": "/images/template-detail-crafter-desktop@2x.jpg",
        "price": 4.0000
    "taxRate": 0.0400,
    "taxInPercent": 4.0000
  "ProductDataJsonHTML": "<script>initEcommerceProductPriceVariations(2535,{\"itemId\":2535,\"maximumUnits\":0,\"minimumUnits\":0,\"recommendedPrice\":49.9500,\"QuantityThreshold\":[{\"Price\":39.9500,\"Quantity\":0}],\"inStockTotal\":170,\"prices\":{\"0\":39.9500},\"enablePreOrder\":false,\"variations\":{\"4608\":{\"id\":\"4608\",\"enabled\":true,\"inStock\":70,\"optionIds\":[\"3654\"]},\"4606\":{\"id\":\"4606\",\"enabled\":true,\"inStock\":0,\"optionIds\":[\"3653\"]},\"4604\":{\"id\":\"4604\",\"enabled\":true,\"inStock\":100,\"optionIds\":[\"3652\"]}},\"attributes\":{\"3661\":{\"id\":\"3661\",\"isInventory\":true,\"name\":\"Size\",\"type\":2,\"required\":true,\"optionIds\":[\"3652\",\"3653\",\"3654\"]}},\"options\":{\"3652\":{\"id\":\"3652\",\"attributeId\":\"3661\",\"name\":\"Small\",\"image\":\"/images/template-detail-crafter-mobile.png\",\"price\":0.0000},\"3653\":{\"id\":\"3653\",\"attributeId\":\"3661\",\"name\":\"Medium\",\"image\":\"/images/template-crafter@2x.jpg\",\"price\":2.0000},\"3654\":{\"id\":\"3654\",\"attributeId\":\"3661\",\"name\":\"Large\",\"image\":\"/images/template-detail-crafter-desktop@2x.jpg\",\"price\":4.0000}},\"taxRate\":0.0400,\"taxInPercent\":4.0000});</script>",
  "CreatedByMemberId": "0",
  "ItemCategories": [],
  "ItemCategoryIdList": [],
  "ItemTags": [],
  "Author": 0,
  "Author_Name": "",
  "Author_Url": "",
  "Item_Rating": 0,
  "MyCustomProperty": "My custom value",
  "ShowPageForSearchEngine": false,
  "MetaTitle": "",
  "SEOTitle": "",
  "MetaDescription": "",
  "CanonicalLink": "",
  "SocialMetaTags": "",
  "SeoPriority": 0.5,
  "EnableAMP": false,
  "AMPContent": "",
  "OpenGraphProperties": {
    "title": null,
    "type": null,
    "url": null,
    "locale": null,
    "image": null
  "ExternalId": 0,
  "Params": {
    "type": "ecommerce_item_quantity",
    "layout": "",
    "itemid": "2535",
    "collectionvariable": "qtyCollection"

Virtual Layout

If not using any custom layout or collection, the default virtual layout will output as follows:

<input type="number" data-ecommerce_product_quantity_field="{{}}" {% if this.minimumUnits > 0 %}min="{{this.minimumUnits}}"{% endif %} {% if this.maximumUnits > 0 %}max="{{this.maximumUnits}}"{% endif %} value="{% if this.minimumUnits > 0  and this.params.quantity == null %}{{this.minimumUnits}}{% else %}{{this.params.quantity | default: 1}}{% endif %}"/>

Accessing the Data

JSON Output

You can output the full JSON for your component data by referencing the root Liquid object {{this}} in your module’s layouts, or directly on your page, if using the collectionVariable parameter in your component tag.

For example:

{% component type: ... collectionVariable: "myData" %}

You can then render the JSON like so:


For more details on using this approach, see Part 2 of the free ‘Learning Liquid Course’.

Rendering Property Values

This data is also accessible directly on the Page or Template via a Liquid Collection by adding collectionVariable to the Component.

An example using collectionVariable with value "qtyCollection":

{% component type: "ecommerce_item_quantity", itemId: "2535", collectionVariable: "qtyCollection" %}

Accessing the name of the item, which in our example would render the value DEMO Product 1


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External Resources

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Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.


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