Getting Started With the API
WebinOne uses APIs for just about all of its CMS functionality (adding, editing, finding and deleting content) and these APIs are progressively being opened up for public access for use with connecting external systems to your WebinOne instances.
WebinOne’s API is built using the REST architecture supporting requests over HTTPS authenticated via OAuth 2.0 with responses provided in JSON format.
WebinOne uses API keys to authenticate API requests and all API requests must be made over a secure HTTPS connection. Connection attempts over HTTP will not be accepted.
Be sure to keep your API keys secure. Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub and client-side code as these keys can provide access to your website instance.
Add an API Application (Generate API Keys)
In your WebinOne admin, for the website you wish to connect to, you will first need to register an API application as a means to generate your API keys.
Under ‘Settings’ > ‘API Applications’, click the “Create New" button at the top to register a new application, or click the pencil icon () next to an existing application to view those keys.
You can also delete an API Application via the trash can icon () next to the relevant application. Deleting an application will disable those API keys in any location they are currently being used.
Revoking API access for a specific application can be done either by deleting the API Application from the website admin or, when editing the API Application, disabling it or refreshing the ‘Client Secret’.
With an API Application created, you can click on the ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’ to copy those values to your clipboard and use them in your API project or 3rd party service.
API Authentication
All WebinOne API endpoints require an Authorization
header with the token
retrieved by Retrieve Access Token Endpoint.
Retrieve Access Token Endpoint
- /api/v1/oauth/token
- Type
- Content-Type
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- POST params
- grant_type
- client_id
- client_secret
- scope
- grant_type
Access Token Responses
On Success return bearer token (life time 4 hours):
"access_token": "tokenStringHere",
"expires_in": 14400,
"scope": "public_api",
"token_type": "Bearer"
If an app is disabled, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401001,
"Message" : "The application is disabled"
If clientId/clientSecret pair wasn't found, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401002,
"Message" : "Invalid client_id and/or client_secret"
If site plan is less than Pro, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401003,
"Message" : "Public API is restricted for your site plan"
If scope is invalid, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401006,
"Message" : "Invalid Scope"
If grand_type is invalid, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401007,
"Message" : "Invalid Grant Type"
API Endpoint Token Errors
If any request doesn't contain access token or token can't be found in DB, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401000,
"Message" : "Invalid Access Token"
ElseIf any request contains access token but it has been expired, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401004,
"Message" : "Access Token expired"
ElseIf an app asociated with the access token is disabled, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401001,
"Message" : "The application is disabled"
ElseIf access token is revoked, show error:
"ErrorCode" : 401005,
"Message" : "The Access Token has been revoked"
Searching/Sorting/Pagination via GET Params
When retrieving data from API endpoints that return multiple items, you can search/filter the data using the Where
parameter as well as sort the results using the Order_By
parameter. You can also control the number of items returned, using the Limit
parameter, and return items from a set index using the Offset
parameter (eg: for creating pagination controls).
An example of the full query:
{} (default)
Filter object is expressed in JSON Query Notation. For example:Where={"$and":[{"$gt":{"Id":0}},{"$lt":{"Id":2}}]}
Supported Conjunctive operators:
Supported Condition operators:
Id (default)
The property name/s, separated by a comma, to be used for sorting rules.
The _random
keyword can be used to randomly sort the retrieved results (any other property names will be ignored).
(ascending) sorting will be used by default.
To sort DESC
(descending) start the property name with a dash/minus (-
), eg: -Id
An example sorting by two property names with the ID's in descending order:Order_By=Name,-Id
0 (default)
The number of items to skip before returning the results. If using this to construct pagination, this can determine subsequent page items.
100 (default)
The maximum number of items returned (after any Offset
applied). If using this to construct pagination, this determines the maximum number of items per page.
Supported Condition Operators by Type
Certain data types (Boolean, String, Numeric, DateTime, Array) are more suited to, or only work with, certain condition operators. For example, a Boolean (true or false), is only ever equal, or not equal, to true or false. So operators such as greater ($gt
) or less than ($lt
) can not be applied.
The table below indicates which operators work with those data types.
Does not equalnull*
Contains the value$not_contains
Does not Contain the value$in
Equals any value in an array$not_in
Does not equal any value in an array$gt
Greater than$gte
Greater than and Equal to$lt
Less than$lte
Less than and Equal to$starts
Value starts with$ends
Value ends withnull
: Data type has null value support so you can use null
in your filter values. For example:
{ "$not_eq": {"Name":null} }
{ "$in": {"Array":null} }
{ "$in": {"Array":[null]} }
: For system properties, there is no implemented support for a null
value since null values are not possible in system properties. However, there is null support for custom properties since they can contain null values (ie: if a new property is added to a module with already existing items, those item's property values will be null unless resaved).
Examples of 'Where' Filter Syntax
In this example we want to retrieve Event items that match all of the following conditions:
- Is enabled (the API will also return disabled items).
- Has a start and end date of 5th Apr 2024.
We need all of these conditions to be true, so we set our condition operators within an AND ($and
) conjuncture so they are all matched at the same level, which will look like this:
"$and": [
In this next example we have a more complex search criteria. We want to retrieve Module items that match ALL of some conditions but only when matched for SOME of other conditions:
- Is enabled (the API will also return disabled items).
- Has a release date on or after 5th Apr 2024 AND before 27th Apr 2024.
If both the above are matched:- Has a Name starting with "Publish" OR ending with "FINAL".
If either the above are matched:- Has a Weighting between 12 AND 23 OR between 25 AND 123.
- Has a Name starting with "Publish" OR ending with "FINAL".
We need some of these conditions to be true while others can be either-or and at different levels, so we nest our condition operators within various conjunctures, which will look like this:
"$and": [
"$or": [
"$or": [
"$and": [
{"$gt": {"Weighting": 12}},
{"$lt": {"Weighting": 23}}
"$and": [
{"$gt": {"Weighting": 25}},
{"$lt": {"Weighting": 123}}
Examples of Valid Value by Type
The true
or false
values can be expressed as a keyword or a string (in quotation marks).
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"Enabled":true}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"Enabled":"true"}}, ] }
String values are to be expresses in quotaion marks and can be included in comma separated arrays (denoted by square brackets), or arrays using the unique system delimiter |||;/;|||
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"Name":"test1"}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"Name":["test1","test2"]}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"Name":"test1|||;/;|||test2"}}, ] }
Numbers/Integer values can to be expresses with or without quotaion marks and can be included in comma separated arrays (denoted by square brackets), or arrays using the unique system delimiter |||;/;|||
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"Weighting":0}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"Weighting":"0"}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"Weighting":[0,1]}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"Weighting":["0","1"]}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"Weighting":""0"|||;/;|||"1""}}, ] }
The time component of a dateTime strings can be omitted if only the date is needed.
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"ReleaseDate":"2024-12-31T14:42:00"}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$eq":{"ReleaseDate":"2024-12-31"}}, ] }
Arrays can to be expresses in comma separated format (denoted by square brackets), or using the unique system delimiter |||;/;|||
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"SiteSearchKeywords":["test1","test2"]}}, ] }
{ "$and": [ {"$in":{"SiteSearchKeywords":"test1|||;/;|||test2"}}, ] }
Examples of Conditional Logic
Let's assume we have 3 items in our data collection that each have an ID, Name and some keywords assigned.
These items are represented by the JSON object below:
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Cat"
"SiteSearchKeywords": ["pet", "tail", "best"]
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Dog"
"SiteSearchKeywords": ["pet", "tail"]
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Ape"
"SiteSearchKeywords": ["pet"]
Using $eq
for exact match
The below syntax is searching for items that exactly equal only the Site Search Keywords of "pet" and "tail".
{ "$eq": {"SiteSearchKeywords": ["pet", "tail"]} }
The resulting item returned would be 'Dog'.
Using $contains
for search by array occurrence
The below syntax is searching for items that contain both the Site Search Keywords of "pet" and "tail".
{ "$contains": {"SiteSearchKeywords": ["pet", "tail"]} }
The resulting items returned would be 'Cat' and 'Dog'.
Using $in
for search by occurrence of one of the array elements
The below syntax is searching for items that include any one, or more, of the Site Search Keywords of "pet", "tail" and "farmyard".
{ "$in": {"SiteSearchKeywords": ["pet", "tail", "farmyard"]} }
The resulting items returned would be 'Cat', 'Dog' and 'Ape'.
Form Submission Data
Data should be submitted via multipart/form-data
MIME type.
For Cases, Bookings and Advanced CRM Groups the names of the fields should be the same as those used for a general form submit process.
External Resources
There are currently no external resources available.
Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.
We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.
Visit the Treepl Forum for community support and to search previously asked questions or send us a message at and we will consult you as soon as possible.