Content Templates

Content Templates are the framework of your HTML document when rendering Pages and module items, helping set up the common <head> elements, scripts, and styles as well as any common footer elements and additional scripts.

Your site can include any number of Content Templates for various layout requirements or content types.

Quick Start


Content Templates can be saved using the ‘Save’ button floating at the bottom of the edit screen, providing all input field requirements have been satisfied.
Upon first saving an item you’ll also have the option of ‘Save and New’, allowing quick creation of items one after another.

Other publishing options may be available here also, as described below.

Draft & Publish

It’s often handy, or required, to draft work-in-progress content for an item and be able to view and share that content within the context of your website without affecting the current live version. Draft mode provides this functionality for Content Templates, as well as for most other module content throughout the CMS.

When clicking the ‘Save Draft’ option, any current content entered for the item (even if unsaved) will be saved to the draft version. You will also be entered into the draft editing mode where the normal ‘Save’ button will become a ‘Publish’ button and an additional ‘Discard Draft’ button will be available.

Publishing a draft will override the previously live content and properties with the content and properties from the draft, clearing the draft version at the same time.

Discarding a draft will simply delete the draft version and return to the live editing mode with the current live content and properties.

Only one draft version can be created for the item, however, drafts can be created for both the ‘SETTINGS’ tab and the ‘SEO’ tab of the item independently.

Live/Draft Toggle

When a draft version of the item exists, a ‘Live/Draft’ toggle will be displayed at the top of the edit page in the admin, allowing you to toggle between the live version and the draft version, making changes to both independently.

Content Templates - Toggle Live and Draft modes


Previewing the draft version/s of the item can be achieved by viewing the regular item’s URL appending with the parameter: ?DraftPreview=true. Clicking the ‘Preview’ button next to the item’s URL field, while in draft, mode will also open this URL string.

If you have both SETTINGS and SEO drafts saved, both drafts will be previewed at this URL.

If a URL with the DraftPreview parameter is used for an item that doesn’t have a draft version available the live content will be displayed.

If the live version of the item is set to ‘Disabled’ while the draft version is enabled, any attempt to preview the draft will result in a 404 Page not Found error.

Changes made via FTP apply only to the live version of the item.

Property Exceptions

When in draft mode, there are some fields/properties that don’t apply to drafts (even though they may be editable in the draft version). These properties include:

  • URL Slug
  • Home Page state
  • Secure Zone assignment
  • Parent items
  • Product Downloadable File
  • Recurring Type

Rollback History

A history of saved versions are stored for 90 days, for both the item’s SETTINGS tab and the SEO tab, providing rollback functionality. Both SETTINGS and SEO tab’s data are stored in their own independent histories and likewise, can be restored independently.

‘Pages’ and ‘Content Templates’ include rollback history by default for all site plans, while all other modules can have rollback history enabled, individually, via the Website Backup extension (version 7+ sites only).

When viewing the rollback history, the list contains the entry date, the admin user who made the change and the source of the change, along with the ability to restore a preview of the saved state.
Reseller admin users will also be able to manually delete states.

Sources that may make edits to the item and trigger a saved history state, include:

  • Admin Interface
  • FTP
  • Edit item form (front-end submission)
  • On-Site Editor
  • Import (both SETTINGS and SEO history states may be created simultaneously)

Knowing these details about the saved state can help identify which state to restore and where any possible errors came from.


When restoring a history state, all properties of the relevant tab (SETTINGS or SEO) will be entered into the corresponding fields for you to review (and/or adjust) prior to fully restoring the changes to the current item.

The regular item’s ‘Save’ button will become a ‘Restore’ button and only after confirming the restore will the changes come into effect.

In the event that some properties can not be entered - perhaps due to the property no longer existing or its data type has changed - an error message will be displayed listing the affected properties.

External Resources

There are currently no external resources available.

Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.


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