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Pages allow the creation and management of standard page content and folders. Pages can be arranged within folders, secured from unauthorised access, hidden from either site search or search engines, assigned to templates and given full SEO properties among various other settings.

Pages and Page Folders can contain all manner of website content which can be managed via the WYSIWYG editor, directly in Code View or via FTP.

Quick Start

Managing Page Items


There are 2 different list views your Page items can be configured to display in, or switched to via the icons ( ) in the top right of the item view.

Depending on how the module is configured, some or all of these icons may be visible and the default view may be different to that of how other modules display.

List View ()

A direct listing of all the current module items, in a tabular layout, which can be clicked on to access their content. A typical view for singular, self contained modules.

Tree View ()

Relevant for nested module structures, this view shows all current module items, in a tabular layout, as folders (parent items) which can be clicked into to access a List View of their child module items.

Import / Export

Found under the main auxiliary menu (), you can import/export data to/from your Pages module where you can then further update your items in bulk using a spreadsheet application and re-import item data in an Excel file format (.xlsx).

If re-importing to update existing items, be sure to maintain the same 'External ID' values from those exported items.

Export the current items in order to get a template import file you can use for importing new data. If you're starting from scratch, first create a dummy item with some sample data so you can see the import format needed.

Import for Nested (Parent/Child) Modules

Nested modules include eCommerce (Products/Catalogs), Pages, Blogs, Events, Banners, Galleries & Sliders, FAQs, and any Custom Modules that have been configured to ‘Allow creating foreign items from other existing Custom Modules’.

The import file for such child modules will include a ‘Parents’ column which allows the imported item (row) to be assigned to a parent item (or its root level) via it’s URL path/slug. Or even multiple parents, if ‘Allow multiple parent items’ is configured in the parent module.

For example; if we have a parent module called “Web Technologies” with an item called “Javascript” and we wanted to assign an item from a nested module to it, we would include the following path in the child item’s “Parent” column cell: /web-technologies/javascript

The item’s full URL would then become /web-technologies/javascript/item-name

And if assigning to multiple parents, we would include each parent item’s slug separated by a semicolon (;), like so: /web-technologies/javascript;/web-technologies/liquid

Similarly, if we want to assign the child item to the root level parent module, include the module slug without any parent item slug included: /web-technologies

If the import file for the child items has empty ‘Parent’ cells or if the column is not present, the child items will be imported into the view you initiated the import from. So if you are viewing the parent items in ‘List View’ or are at the top level/root using ‘Tree View’, the imported items will be assigned to the root level of the parent module. Likewise, if you have navigated into a parent “folder” and initiate the import process, the child items will be assigned to the currently viewed “folder” (only if the Parent cell is empty or omitted from the file).

You can also assign child items as parents to other child items, in the same module, during the same import process. For example; if we have two child items called “Number type” and “Integer” an wanted “Integer” to be a child of “Number type”, then it’s Parent cell value would include the parent module’s root slug and the target child item’s slug, like so:

Resulting in the item’s full URL to become /web-technologies/number-type/integer

The sequence of the imported items in the spreadsheet is not important here. They can be in any order.

URL Conflicts

If, upon attempting to create an imported item with the constructed parent/child URL, the URL already exists in your site, the item will be handled in one of two ways (based on the site’s setting in ‘Settings’ > ‘Misc’ > ‘Disable autocomplete for already taken URL slugs’):

  • If setting is unchecked (URL autocomplete enabled) then the conflicting URL will be appended with an incrementing number.
  • If setting is checked (URL autocomplete disabled) then the import will present an error for that item and skip any update/creation of the item.

URL list column

The ‘URL list’ column in an export file is for export display purposes only (to display a full construction of both parent and item slug paths). This column is ignored for imported data and item URLs are determined by the individual parent and slug values.

Other Errors

The import process will present an error of each imported item if any of the following conditions are encountered (and will skip that item from being updated/created):

  • If multiple parent slugs are included in the Parent cell but the module is not configured with the setting “Allow multiple parent items”
  • If multiple parent slugs are included in the Parent cell and one or more of those slugs do not match any existing parent module items (missing parent items will not be created during import).
  • If the slug included in the Parent cell is the same as the item slug being updated/created (cannot assign itself as parent).

If an error is thrown on a child item that is elsewhere assigned, in the import file, to be a parent to other child items, then all of those child items will also be skipped during import, since their parent cannot be created.


Found under the main auxiliary menu (), you can delete ALL Pages in bulk using the "Delete All Items" option.

Additionally, you can make bulk selections from the item list view (by ticking the checkboxes on the left of each item) and click the "DELETE SELECTION" button that will appear at the base of the list view.

Individual items can be deleted either by expanding the auxiliary menu to the right of each item and selecting the "Delete" option or when on the item's edit page, click the trash can icon () in the lower right of the page.

Bulk Apply Template

After making a selection of module items, using the checkboxes to the left of each item, an “Apply Template” option will become available in the main auxiliary menu () allowing you to assign a template, in bulk, to the selected items.

Page Folders

The Pages module is a grouped/nested module by default, which means there are actually two modules configured together in a relationship. One to act as a parent Folder (the overall Page Folder itself) and the other as the individual child items (the Pages).

This module is configured to allow the creation of Page Folders or Pages and by clicking the “CREATE NEW” button it will give the option to create a ‘Page Folder’ or ‘Page’. Individual Pages can also be added when navigating within a Page Folder.

Page Groups - Tree View

The ‘Tree View’ () will display any Page Folders you’ve created as well as any Pages that are outside of any folder. While the ‘List View’ () will display ALL Pages within the module, regardless of folder structure.

To create a Page within a Page Folder, simply enter the desired folder (by clicking the group name with the folder icon) and then follow the instructions below for ‘Populating Page Items’.

To assign an existing Page to a folder, edit the Page details and select the desired folder from the “Page Folder” field.

Pages - Assign to Group

Editing Page Folders

Since clicking on a Page Folder will enter into that group's list view of items rather than going to its edit page, you can instead access the Page Folder's deatils by clicking the auxiliary menu () on the far right of its item row and choosing "Edit".

Pages - Edit a Group

Populating Page Items

From the Pages item list view, click the “CREATE NEW” button at the top to start creating a new item or click directly on the name of any existing item in the list.

Upon editing an item you have access to the following options.


Item Settings

This group of options mostly correspond with how your Module was configured (see above configuration steps) along with some item specific options.
If your screen doesn’t show some of the options here it’s likely due to how the Module is configured, or due to a site plan functionality restriction.

You can quickly collapse this section, by clicking on its header, to condense your workspace and help with moving to the next set of options.

Below is a detailed explanation of all possible options found here:

Item Name
Set the item's Name
This is used to describe the item within the admin area and also typically used as the display name of the item when rendered to your website front-end.

The system will generate a unique base URL derived from the name you set. You can however, adjust this path (slug) if desired simply by setting a new value in this field.
URL slugs are limited to 254 characters in length.

A list of available Content Templates. The selected Content Template will be applied to newly created Module item when viewed at its unique URL.
Detail Layout

The Detail Layout to use for the item when viewed at its unique URL.

Multiple Detail Layouts are only available in Pro plan or higher.


Uncheck this option to disable the item from being published to the website front-end. The item will remain available in the admin but will not be made live.

Set as Home Page

If checked, the item will be displayed at the websites root domain (ie: and be flagged as the sites Home page.

Only one item in the site can be assigned as the Home Page. Setting this option for an item will remove any previously assigned home Page setting from another item.

Disable From Site Search

If checked, the item will not be retrieved in any front-end site searches.

Make Item Secure

A list of available Secure Zones the item can be assigned to. Multiple Secure Zones can be selected.
Assigning a Secure Zone will set its unique URL to authorised access only. Only if the viewer is logged in and is subscribed to the relevant Secure Zone/s can the item be accessed.

Secured items, by default, will still be listed in any relevant searches, list views and liquid collections on the website front-end even when the viewer is not logged in to any secure zones.

With all child items

Secure Zone inheritance for nested child items.
If your module is configured in a nested configuration, where this item belongs to the parent module, all of its child items will inherit this Secure Zone setting.

Site Search Keywords

Should contain Comma Separated Values (CSV) for keywords.
Provides additional keywords to influence Site Search results, along with the item name and description.


The content section is typically used for adding/editing the main body of content for the item, or otherwise described as the main description of the item.

This editor can be toggled between WYSIWYG (design/layout) view and Code View to provide full freedom and flexibility for the content that you can add here, including HTML, CSS, JS, images, video, embed codes, text styling and more.
The editor also supports Liquid and component tags can be added using the ‘Component’ manager at the top right of the editor.


SEO Content

A preview of how the below metadata might display in search engine listings.

This is a simulated preview only. Actual search engine listings may vary.

Meta Title

The descriptive title of the document. Typically displayed in the browser's title bar or tab.
This value, if set, will be automatically output as <title><Meta Title></title> and added to the <head> of the item's page.
If left empty, the item's Name will be used instead.

If your Content Template already contains a hard-coded <title> element it will not be replaced by the system.

Meta Description

A short description of the document.
This value, if set, will be automatically output as <meta name"description” content"Meta Description"/> and added to the <head> of the item's page.
If left empty, no <meta name"description"> element will be added.

If your Content Template already contains a hard-coded <meta name"description"> element the system will add an additional <meta name"description"> element if this value is set.

Additional <head> Code

Item specific <head> elements can be added here for the system to include in the item's <head> section.
Can be used for adding additional metadata, styles, scripts, etc.

Liquid is not currently supported in this field.

Show this page for
search engines

If unchecked, the system will add <meta name"robots” content"noindex, nofollow"> to the item's <head> section.
This helps inform search engines to not display this item's page in search engine results or follow any of the page's links for indexing purposes.

If your Content Template already contains a hard-coded <meta name"robots"> element the system will add an additional <meta name"robots"> element if this option is unchecked.

Canonical Link

The preferred content URL when other similar content pages may exist. This value should be an absolute URL.
The site's primary domain will be displayed as the first option here.
Setting a canonical link helps inform search engines of the primary content source when duplicate or similar content pages exist so as to help avoid SEO penalties and other linking confusion.
This value, if set, will be automatically output as <link rel"canonical” href"Canonical Link"> and added to the <head> of the item's page.
If left empty, no <link rel"canonical"> element will be added.

If your Content Template already contains a hard-coded <link rel"canonical"> element the system will add an additional <link rel"canonical"> element if this value is set.

SEO Priority

The priority value in your system generated sitemap.xml file.
This value, if set, will replace the default priority value of 0.5 in the <priority> element for this item's sitemap entry.

Open Graph
Open Graph

The values provided here help other platforms, such as social media services (particularly Facebook) to better define this item's content.
These values, if set, will be automatically generated into the Open Graph metadata schema into the <head> of the item's page.
eg: <meta property"og:PROP_TYPE" content"PROP_VALUE"/>

If your Content Template already contains any hard-coded <meta property"og:PROP_TYPE"> elements, the system will add an additional <meta property"og:PROP_TYPE"> elements if these values are set.

AMP Content
Enable AMP

Activate AMP content.


Your AMP coded content.


Pages can be saved using the ‘Save’ button floating at the bottom of the edit screen, providing all input field requirements have been satisfied.
Upon first saving an item you’ll also have the option of ‘Save and New’, allowing quick creation of items one after another.

Other publishing options may be available here also, as described below.

Draft & Publish

It’s often handy, or required, to draft work-in-progress content for an item and be able to view and share that content within the context of your website without affecting the current live version. Draft mode provides this functionality for Pages, as well as for most other module content throughout the CMS.

When clicking the ‘Save Draft’ option, any current content entered for the item (even if unsaved) will be saved to the draft version. You will also be entered into the draft editing mode where the normal ‘Save’ button will become a ‘Publish’ button and an additional ‘Discard Draft’ button will be available.

Publishing a draft will override the previously live content and properties with the content and properties from the draft, clearing the draft version at the same time.

Discarding a draft will simply delete the draft version and return to the live editing mode with the current live content and properties.

Only one draft version can be created for the item, however, drafts can be created for both the ‘SETTINGS’ tab and the ‘SEO’ tab of the item independently.

Live/Draft Toggle

When a draft version of the item exists, a ‘Live/Draft’ toggle will be displayed at the top of the edit page in the admin, allowing you to toggle between the live version and the draft version, making changes to both independently.

Pages - Toggle Live and Draft modes


Previewing the draft version/s of the item can be achieved by viewing the regular item’s URL appending with the parameter: ?DraftPreview=true. Clicking the ‘Preview’ button next to the item’s URL field, while in draft, mode will also open this URL string.

If you have both SETTINGS and SEO drafts saved, both drafts will be previewed at this URL.

If a URL with the DraftPreview parameter is used for an item that doesn’t have a draft version available the live content will be displayed.

If the live version of the item is set to ‘Disabled’ while the draft version is enabled, any attempt to preview the draft will result in a 404 Page not Found error.

Changes made via FTP apply only to the live version of the item.

Property Exceptions

When in draft mode, there are some fields/properties that don’t apply to drafts (even though they may be editable in the draft version). These properties include:

  • URL Slug
  • Home Page state
  • Secure Zone assignment
  • Parent items
  • Product Downloadable File
  • Recurring Type

Rollback History

A history of saved versions are stored for 90 days, for both the item’s SETTINGS tab and the SEO tab, providing rollback functionality. Both SETTINGS and SEO tab’s data are stored in their own independent histories and likewise, can be restored independently.

‘Pages’ and ‘Content Templates’ include rollback history by default for all site plans, while all other modules can have rollback history enabled, individually, via the Website Backup extension (version 7+ sites only).

When viewing the rollback history, the list contains the entry date, the admin user who made the change and the source of the change, along with the ability to restore a preview of the saved state.
Reseller admin users will also be able to manually delete states.

Sources that may make edits to the item and trigger a saved history state, include:

  • Admin Interface
  • FTP
  • Edit item form (front-end submission)
  • On-Site Editor
  • Import (both SETTINGS and SEO history states may be created simultaneously)

Knowing these details about the saved state can help identify which state to restore and where any possible errors came from.


When restoring a history state, all properties of the relevant tab (SETTINGS or SEO) will be entered into the corresponding fields for you to review (and/or adjust) prior to fully restoring the changes to the current item.

The regular item’s ‘Save’ button will become a ‘Restore’ button and only after confirming the restore will the changes come into effect.

In the event that some properties can not be entered - perhaps due to the property no longer existing or its data type has changed - an error message will be displayed listing the affected properties.

Displaying Page Items

You can render Page items to your website front-end in a variety of ways and places such as; other pages, layouts, templates, emails and just about anywhere else that supports Liquid.

Most commonly though, we would rely on the standard CMS behaviour to render these items as typical directories and HTML pages via their URL paths and linked to via your site menus and/or other page links.

To learn more about this modules rendering options, view the 'Component Tag Advanced Customisation' documentation link/s below.

Component Tag Advanced Customisation

See here for more detailed documentation on manually configuring the Page Folder component tag.

See here for more detailed documentation on manually configuring the Page component tag.

Searching Page Items

Searching within Pages can be achieved with a search form and the module’s component tag configured with the isSearchResult parameter.

Simple keyword based searches can be set up as well as more advanced search forms with specific system and custom fields searchable along with range searches for date and price/number fields.

You can configure a Page search with two parts; the search form and the module’s component tag. More on these parts below:

Component Tag with ‘isSearchResult’

To render the search results to the page and/or a collection, you need to configure the module’s component tag with the isSearchResult parameter set to true (see the Page component documentation for technical details).

{% component type: "module", source: "Page Folder", layout: "List", isSearchResult: "true" %}

This will allow the component to reference search parameters in the resulting URL.

URL search parameters will override any corresponding parameters in the component. If no search parameters are present in the URL, isSearchResult will be ignored.

You may want to separate the search form from the component tag if you want a dedicated search results page, or where you have a search input in the header or footer of all pages as so searches could be made from any page.

This method also alleviates a side-effect of the isSearchResult configured component whereby it will output all indexed items by default if no search query has been specified (ie: when a user first navigates to a search page).

If you do want one single search page, with both search form and component and don’t want to initially list all results, another solution to this is to wrap the component tag in a Liquid condition which looks for the presence of the prop_KeyWords parameter in the URL, like so:

{% if request.request_url.params.prop_KeyWords %}
    {% component type: "module", source: "Page Folder", layout: "List", isSearchResult: "true" %}
{% endif %}

Basic Search Form

A basic keyword based search form for Pages would be constructed like the following:

    <input type="hidden" name="prop_ModuleId" value="1234">
    <input type="text" name="prop_KeyWords" maxlength="255" value="{{request.request_url.params.prop_KeyWords | strip_html}}">
    <input type="submit" value="Search">

This form element includes a prop_KeyWords text input, prop_ModuleId hidden input, a submit button and no form action attribute.

The prop_ModuleId hidden input tells the search which module to search (replace ‘1234’ with the ID of your module).

The prop_KeyWords text input allows multiple keywords to be entered for searching.

The search logic combines multiple keywords with an AND operator, so items will be returned only if they include ALL keywords entered.

Currently, searching does not support any manual logic operators to be used in the keyword input field (such as; AND, OR, NOT...)

When the form is submitted, prop_ModuleId and prop_KeyWords, along with their values, will be passed as URL parameters for the isSearchResult configured component tag to interpret.

By default, the search form has no action attribute, so it will redirect to the current page with the URL parameter appended to the current page URL.

You can, instead, separate the search form from the ‘site_search’ component, having the module component on a separate page and sending the search query to that page instead of the current page.

To do this, you’d add the other page URL slug to the form element. So if the other page was “/search-results”, you’d adjust the form to include an action attribute as such:

<form action="/search-results">

Advanced Search Form

Building further on the basic form structure above, you can add Page specific fields to search their contents, either individually or combined with other fields and/or keyword queries.

The search logic combines all field queries with an AND operator, so items will be returned only if they include ALL the queries entered.

The fields (providing they are available to the module) that can be search upon include:

  • Name
  • URL (Slug)
  • SKU Code
  • Release Date
  • Expiry Date
  • Site Search Keywords
  • Rating
  • Description
  • Any ‘Default Properties’ (eg: Categories, Tags, Author...)
  • Any ‘Custom Properties’
  • Module specific ‘System Properties’ (Price, Product Dimensions, Unit Type, Capacity...)

To add these fields to your search form, create an appropriate input with the name attribute configured like prop_PropertyName.

So, if you were adding a search field for a custom property called “Vehicle Colour”, the form input might look like this:

<input type="text" name="prop_VehicleColour">

Follow this same format for most other properties. Although you may like to change the input type to suit the type of data required.

For example, if our above “Vehicle Colour” property was actually a dropdown field with predefined colour values, you may choose to create a <select> element instead, like so:

<select name="prop_VehicleColour">
    <option value="Red">Red</option>
    <option value="Blue">Blue</option>
    <option value="Green">Green</option>

After the search form has been submitted, you might also like to keep the search queries filled in the search form fields, for better usability. So to do this you can pull the query parameters out of the URL and into the input values, like so:

<input type="text" name="prop_VehicleColour" value="{{request.request_url.params.prop_VehicleColour | strip_html}}">

Search Within Number Ranges

For property types such as dates, prices, ratings and numbers, you can search with a to-from/min-max range by adding _Min or _Max to the property name.

So let’s say you want to search for items within a certain date range, based on their release/expiry dates.

<input type="datetime-local" name="prop_ReleaseDate_Min">
<input type="datetime-local" name="prop_ExpiryDate_Max">

And to populate these fields with the searched values:

<input type="datetime-local" name="prop_ReleaseDate_Min" value="{{request.request_url.params.prop_ReleaseDate_Min | date: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M" | strip_html}}">
<input type="datetime-local" name="prop_ExpiryDate_Max" value="{{request.request_url.params.prop_ExpiryDate_Max | date: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M" | strip_html}}">

Searching for a minimum release date will return all items with a release date newer (or the same as) the query date. And likewise searching for a maximum expiry date will return all items with an expiry date older (or the same as) the query date.

Programmatically Search (without a form)

There may be times when you require the search results for a module based on constructed data, other than that of a user’s input into a search form.

You can achieve this with the use of the searchScope parameter on the module’s component tag (see the Page component documentation for technical details).

This parameter allows a search on the module without search parameters needed in the URL. Instead, search parameters are added to the value of this parameter. Therefore, this parameter can be used to output module specific search results from hard-coded (or Liquid constructed) values without the use of a search form.

The search queries are similar to that used in the above form based search method, but use JSON syntax for their construction.

Below is an example of a constructed searchScope configured component tag, with min/max release date search, keywords and multiple tags query:

{% component type: "module", source: "Page Folder", layout: "List", searchScope: "{'prop_ReleaseDate_Min':'2018-07-01', 'prop_ReleaseDate_Max':'2018-07-31', 'prop_KeyWords':'Your Keywords', 'prop_ItemTags':['tag1','tag2']}" %}

The search logic combines all field queries with an AND operator, so items will be returned only if they include ALL the queries entered.

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External Resources

There are currently no external resources available.

Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.


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Visit the Treepl Forum for community support and to search previously asked questions or send us a message at and we will consult you as soon as possible.