Component Type: Module (Custom Modules)
This module component fetches data relating to Custom Modules.
{% component type: "module", source: "<Custom Module name/ID>", layout: "List 1" %}
Parameters and Options
module (default)
This is the name of the entity that needs to be used for the component retrieving function.
is the standard retrieving function to retrieve all items.
retrieves only those items 'Added by' the currently logged in user (identified by the CreatedByMemberId
property in the module items Liquid data).
The 'Added by' System Property will only be available where the modules settings have 'Allow Add New Items' turned on under the 'Site User Permissions'.
<Module name/ID>
<Your Layout name>
The layout name you want to use for rendering the component. The layout name is referenced from the available Layouts of the source specified.
While this parameter is required to render your Layout markup, if the parameter is blank, has an incorrectly referenced Layout, or is removed altogether then the component will still output the modules item data to a Liquid collection which can be accessed via the collectionVariable
...and any other top level properties available for the module
Remove spaces from custom property names here.
<your value>
Liquid variables can be used here also. If present but no value set, no items will be returned.
...and any other top level properties available for the module
Remove spaces from custom property names here.
ASC (default)
sorts the items in ascending order while DESC
sorts in descending order (based on alpha/numeric or date sorting).If empty or not present, alpha/numeric sorting will be used.
false (default)
items will sort by their weighting values first, followed by any sortBy properties (or the default alpha/numeric sorting if sortBy is empty or not present). If true
item weightings will be ignored and sorting will only be applied via sortBy or default sorting.false (default)
If used in conjunction with sortBy, that sorting criteria will be applied to the randomly retrieved results. So, if retrieving all, or most, of the items they will not appear to be random since they will then be sorted back into a logical order. To overcome this, set the sortBy parameter to 'enabled' (or another unused property) as this will not provide any viable sorting criteria* and the items will not be sorted from their initial random order.
* Unless there are weighted items, which will always override the random option.
10 (default)
true (default)
This is useful for avoiding pagniation affects for a specific component when multiple components of the same module are output on the same page and do use pagination.
false (default)
<Your custom message>
Liquid variables are supported here, although Liquid logic tags and HTML are not.
If using Liquid variables with filters added, be sure to change any double quotes to single quotes. For eg: emptyMessage: “{{ myVariable | prepend: 'Error: ' }}”
To use HTML in your empty message, first capture it using a Liquid capture, then insert the capture variable into the emptyMessage parameter.
item (default)
returns each item iteratively, one after another, for output (generally, output to a container element with no need for looping through the data).collection
returns all items as one collection for output (your container element and looping logic would be handled in the Components Layout).<yourLiquidVariableName>
Your collectionVariable value must only contain English letters, numbers or underscores. Spaces or special characters are not supported.
false (default)
Allows search parameters in the URL to override the components output. Therefore, this parameter can be used to output module specific search results from a submitted search form.
Likewise, Tag, Category, and Archive components can be used in conjunction with this parameter for filtering the module's output.
URL search parameters will override any corresponding parameters in the component. If no search parameters are present in the URL, isSearchResult will be ignored.
Any value
other than true
, (including an empty value), will disable the search functionality and the component will output its regular data.
{'prop_ParentId':'1234', 'prop_ReleaseDate_Min':'2018-07-01', 'prop_ReleaseDate_Max':'2018-07-31', 'prop_KeyWords':'Your Keywords', 'prop_ItemTags':['tag1','tag2'], 'page':'2'}
Allows a search on the module without search parameters needed in the URL. Instead, search parameters are added to the value
of this parameter. Therefore, this parameter can be used to output module specific search results from hard-coded (or Liquid) values without the use of a search form.
Added search parameters will override any corresponding parameters otherwise configured on the component. If no search parameters are present, searchScope will be ignored.
This value
supports Liquid and can therefore be constructed with Liquid data/variables.
<your custom value>
Your <customParameter> name must only contain English letters, numbers or underscores. Spaces or special characters are not supported.
You can use HTML as the value here, just be sure to change any double quotes in your HTML to single quotes.
Also, see here for a tutorial on using Custom Paramters.
Liquid Output
The below example has 4 sample items
but is otherwise the default data you will get from this Component.
For Custom Modules this data will also include any custom properties/fields that you've added.
"Params": {
"source": "DEMO Web Technologies",
"layout": "",
"collectionvariable": "webTech",
"type": "module"
"Pagination": {
"CurrentPage": 1,
"ItemsPerPage": 10,
"NumberOfPages": 1,
"TotalItemsCount": 4
"Parent": {
"Id": 1960,
"Name": "module (Custom Modules)",
"Url": "/component-types/module-custom-modules",
"Url_List": [
"UrlSlug": "module-custom-modules",
"ParentId": 2127,
"ParentId_List": [
"ParentName": "Liquid Components",
"ParentUrl": "/component-types",
"TemplateName": "Docs Template",
"Module_Alias": "DocumentationPost",
"Module_ID": 1870,
"Enabled": true,
"ReleaseDate": "2018-06-18T23:00:00",
"ExpiryDate": "2099-10-09T23:00:00",
"SiteSearchKeywords": [],
"Description": "\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"code_block_processor\", data: \"{{data}}\", lang: \"liquid\" %}\n\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"section_parameters\" %}\n\n{% component type: \"json\", source_type:\"string\", source:\"{{tabularData}}\", layout:\"/snippets/tabularJSON.layout\" %}\n</section>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"section_output\" %}\n\n<p>The below example has 4 sample <code>items</code> but is otherwise the default data you will get from this Component.</p>\n\n<p>For Custom Modules this data will also include any custom properties/fields that you've added.</p>\n\n{% component source: \"DEMO Web Technologies\", layout: "", collectionVariable: \"webTech\", type: \"module\" %}\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"code_block_processor\", data: \"{{webTech}}\", lang: \"json\" %}\n</section>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"section_accessing_data\" %}\n\n<p>This data is accessible in two main ways:</p>\n\n<p>1. Using Liquid in the specified Layout via the <code>this</code> object.</p>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"code_block_processor\", data: \"{{data}}\", lang: \"liquid\" %}\n\n<p>2. Directly on the Page or Template via a Liquid Collection if <code>collectionVariable</code> was added to the Component tag.</p>\n\n<p>An example using <code>collectionVariable</code> with value \"webTech\" for a Custom Module called \"Web Technologies\":</p>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"code_block_processor\", data: \"{{data}}\", lang: \"liquid\" %}\n\n<p><em>Looping through the collection to render all the item URLs in a list, giving us:</em></p>\n\n<ul>\n \n <li>/demo-web-technologies/css</li>\n \n <li>/demo-web-technologies/html</li>\n \n <li>/demo-web-technologies/javascript</li>\n \n <li>/demo-web-technologies/liquid</li>\n \n</ul>\n<br>\n<p><em>The code:</em></p>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"code_block_processor\", data: \"{{data}}\", lang: \"liquid\" %}\n\n<p><em>Accessing a specific item within the collection. In this case the third item (zero based index), which in our example would render the value <code>/web-technologies/javascript/</code></em></p>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"code_block_processor\", data: \"{{data}}\", lang: \"liquid\" %}\n</section>\n</section>\n\n{% component type: \"snippet\", alias: \"section_counter\" %}\n</section>\n",
"Weighting": 930,
"DisableForSiteSearch": false,
"CreatedByMemberId": "0",
"ItemCategories": [],
"ItemCategoryIdList": [],
"ItemTags": [
"Custom Modules"
"Author": 0,
"Author_Name": "",
"Author_Url": "",
"Item_Rating": 0,
"Active": true,
"IgnoreUpdates": true,
"UpdatesLog": "<ul><li>27-Oct-2020 | 5.6.0 | Added 'ignoreWeighting' parameter</li><li>'module_of_member' parameter details added.</li></ul>",
"ExternalResources": "",
"AdditionalRelatedArticle": 0,
"AdditionalRelatedArticle2": 0,
"Authors": "2418",
"ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
"MetaTitle": "Component Type: Module (Custom Modules)",
"SEOTitle": "Component Type: Module (Custom Modules)",
"MetaDescription": "This module component fetches data relating to Custom Modules.",
"CanonicalLink": "",
"SocialMetaTags": "",
"SeoPriority": 0.8,
"EnableAMP": false,
"AMPContent": "",
"OpenGraphProperties": {
"title": "",
"type": "",
"url": "",
"locale": "",
"image": ""
"ExternalId": 0,
"Params": {
"type": "snippet",
"alias": "section_output",
"data": "\n{% component type: \"module\", source: \"<Custom Module name/ID>\", layout: \"List 1\" %}\n",
"lang": "liquid",
"name": "SECTION Output",
"content": "<section id=\"secOutput\">\n <h2>Liquid Output</h2>",
"enabled": true,
"required": "true",
"values": "module <em>(default)</em>,module_of_member"
"Items": [
"Id": 2262,
"Name": "CSS",
"Url": "/demo-web-technologies/css",
"Url_List": [
"UrlSlug": "css",
"ParentId": 2253,
"ParentId_List": [
"ParentName": "",
"ParentUrl": "",
"TemplateName": "DEMO Companion Site",
"Module_Alias": "DEMOWebTechnologies",
"Module_ID": 2253,
"Enabled": true,
"ReleaseDate": "2018-11-24T16:54:00",
"ExpiryDate": "2099-12-10T16:54:00",
"SiteSearchKeywords": [],
"Description": "<p>CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to describe presentation semantics i.e. how a document looks and feels.</p><p>It can be embedded directly inside tags (by using the <em>style</em> attribute) or inserted in the document head by using the <em>style</em> tag.</p><ul><div dir=\"ltr\"><br></div></ul>",
"Weighting": 0,
"DisableForSiteSearch": false,
"CreatedByMemberId": "0",
"ItemCategories": [],
"ItemCategoryIdList": [],
"ItemTags": [],
"Author": 0,
"Author_Name": "",
"Author_Url": "",
"Item_Rating": 0,
"MyCustomProperty1": "foobar",
"MyCustomProperty2": null,
"CustomDatasourceProperty": 2267,
"CustomDatasourceProperty_Name": "Null type",
"CustomDatasourceProperty_Url": "/demo-web-technologies/javascript/null-type",
"ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
"MetaTitle": "",
"SEOTitle": "",
"MetaDescription": "",
"CanonicalLink": "",
"SocialMetaTags": "",
"SeoPriority": 0.0,
"EnableAMP": false,
"AMPContent": "",
"OpenGraphProperties": {
"title": null,
"type": null,
"url": null,
"locale": null,
"image": null
"ExternalId": 0,
"Params": {}
"Id": 2263,
"Name": "HTML",
"Url": "/demo-web-technologies/html",
"Url_List": [
"UrlSlug": "html",
"ParentId": 2253,
"ParentId_List": [
"ParentName": "",
"ParentUrl": "",
"TemplateName": "",
"Module_Alias": "DEMOWebTechnologies",
"Module_ID": 2253,
"Enabled": true,
"ReleaseDate": "2018-11-24T18:00:00",
"ExpiryDate": "2099-12-10T18:00:00",
"SiteSearchKeywords": [],
"Description": "<p>The <strong>Hyper Text Markup Language</strong> (HTML) is mainly used for writing web pages. It is XML based and allows users to create structured text documents (by using tags and attributes) and insert text semantics (paragraphs, headers, tables, etc.).</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Usually it is used in conjuncture with <strong>JavaScript</strong> - which influences the behaviour of browsers - and <strong>CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)</strong> - for formating text and overall page appearance.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Latest standard release by W3C was that of HTML 5.0 (ISO/IEC 15445:2000) in October 2014.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In 2008 a draft for an HTML 5 was released. It includes several modifications:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>obsolete tags such as <em>font</em>, <em>frameset</em> or <em>center</em> were removed</li>\r\n<li>new tags such as <em>footer</em>, <em>audio</em>, <em>video</em>, <em>nav</em>, etc.</li>\r\n<li>new attributes such as <em>ping</em>, <em>async</em>, etc.</li>\r\n<li>new parsing mechanism</li>\r\n<li>ability to use SVG and MathML in text/html</li>\r\n<li>etc.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>Related languages include the <strong>XHTML</strong> 1.1 which is an extension of HTML based on XML and not SGML.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Three sub-specifications exist for both HTML and XHTML:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>Strict</strong>: represents the standard proper and encourages the omission of presentational markup (eg. center or font tags) by using style sheets (CSS)</li>\r\n<li><strong>Transitional</strong>: allows for presentational markup</li>\r\n<li><strong>Frameset</strong>: allows for presentational markup and additionally from <em>Transitional</em> a frameset replacing body, containing frame elements, and optionally noframes, with a body</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>Each document is checked against a DTD (Document Type Definition) file for validity.</p>",
"Weighting": 0,
"DisableForSiteSearch": false,
"CreatedByMemberId": "0",
"ItemCategories": [],
"ItemCategoryIdList": [],
"ItemTags": [],
"Author": 0,
"Author_Name": "",
"Author_Url": "",
"Item_Rating": 0,
"MyCustomProperty1": "sampledata",
"MyCustomProperty2": null,
"CustomDatasourceProperty": 0,
"ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
"MetaTitle": "",
"SEOTitle": "",
"MetaDescription": "",
"CanonicalLink": "",
"SocialMetaTags": "",
"SeoPriority": 0.0,
"EnableAMP": false,
"AMPContent": "",
"OpenGraphProperties": {
"title": null,
"type": null,
"url": null,
"locale": null,
"image": null
"ExternalId": 0,
"Params": {}
"Id": 2264,
"Name": "Javascript",
"Url": "/demo-web-technologies/javascript",
"Url_List": [
"UrlSlug": "javascript",
"ParentId": 2253,
"ParentId_List": [
"ParentName": "",
"ParentUrl": "",
"TemplateName": "DEMO Companion Site",
"Module_Alias": "DEMOWebTechnologies",
"Module_ID": 2253,
"Enabled": true,
"ReleaseDate": "2018-11-24T18:00:00",
"ExpiryDate": "2099-12-10T18:00:00",
"SiteSearchKeywords": [],
"Description": "<p><strong>JavaScript</strong> (JS) is the name of Netscape Communications Corporation's and now the Mozilla’s foundation implementation of the <em>ECMAScript</em> standard, a scripting language based on the concept of prototype based programming.</p><p>The language is best known for its use in websites (as client side JavaScript), but is also used to enable scripting access to objects embedded in other applications.</p><p><strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: JavaScript is not Java!</p><p>JS can be used to do various things but it primarily comes into hand when:</p><ul><li>doing browser detection</li><li>handling cookies</li><li>controlling browsers</li><li>validating forms</li><li>setting CSS properties dynamically (see <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>), eg. <em>\"1px solid black\"</em></li></ul>",
"Weighting": 0,
"DisableForSiteSearch": false,
"CreatedByMemberId": "0",
"ItemCategories": [],
"ItemCategoryIdList": [],
"ItemTags": [],
"Author": 0,
"Author_Name": "",
"Author_Url": "",
"Item_Rating": 0,
"MyCustomProperty1": null,
"MyCustomProperty2": null,
"CustomDatasourceProperty": 0,
"ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
"MetaTitle": "",
"SEOTitle": "",
"MetaDescription": "",
"CanonicalLink": "",
"SocialMetaTags": "",
"SeoPriority": 0.0,
"EnableAMP": false,
"AMPContent": "",
"OpenGraphProperties": {
"title": null,
"type": null,
"url": null,
"locale": null,
"image": null
"ExternalId": 0,
"Params": {}
"Id": 2265,
"Name": "Liquid",
"Url": "/demo-web-technologies/liquid",
"Url_List": [
"UrlSlug": "liquid",
"ParentId": 2253,
"ParentId_List": [
"ParentName": "",
"ParentUrl": "",
"TemplateName": "",
"Module_Alias": "DEMOWebTechnologies",
"Module_ID": 2253,
"Enabled": true,
"ReleaseDate": "2018-11-24T18:00:00",
"ExpiryDate": "2099-12-10T18:00:00",
"SiteSearchKeywords": [],
"Description": "<p>Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content on storefronts.</p><p>Liquid has been in production use at Shopify since 2006 and is now used by many other hosted web applications.</p>",
"Weighting": 0,
"DisableForSiteSearch": false,
"CreatedByMemberId": "0",
"ItemCategories": [],
"ItemCategoryIdList": [],
"ItemTags": [],
"Author": 0,
"Author_Name": "",
"Author_Url": "",
"Item_Rating": 0,
"MyCustomProperty1": null,
"MyCustomProperty2": null,
"CustomDatasourceProperty": 0,
"ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
"MetaTitle": "",
"SEOTitle": "",
"MetaDescription": "",
"CanonicalLink": "",
"SocialMetaTags": "",
"SeoPriority": 0.0,
"EnableAMP": false,
"AMPContent": "",
"OpenGraphProperties": {
"title": null,
"type": null,
"url": null,
"locale": null,
"image": null
"ExternalId": 0,
"Params": {}
Accessing the Data
JSON Output
You can output the full JSON for your component data by referencing the root Liquid object {{this}}
in your module’s layouts, or directly on your page, if using the collectionVariable
parameter in your component tag.
For example:
{% component type: ... collectionVariable: "myData" %}
You can then render the JSON like so:
For more details on using this approach, see Part 2 of the free ‘Learning Liquid Course’.
Rendering Property Values
This data is accessible in two main ways:
1. Using Liquid in the specified Layout via the this
2. Directly on the Page or Template via a Liquid Collection if collectionVariable
was added to the Component tag.
An example using collectionVariable
with value "webTech" for a Custom Module called "Web Technologies":
{% component type: "module", source: "Web Technologies", layout: "List 1", collectionVariable: "webTech" %}
Looping through the collection to render all the item URLs in a list, giving us:
- /demo-web-technologies/css
- /demo-web-technologies/html
- /demo-web-technologies/javascript
- /demo-web-technologies/liquid
The code:
{% for i in webTech.items %}
{% endfor %}
Accessing a specific item within the collection. In this case the third item (zero based index), which in our example would render the value /web-technologies/javascript/
Along with the data output above, there is also a special liquid tag available {{counter}}
which increments for each item. This tag is only available within Layouts when object: "item"
is used in the Component tag.
Related Articles
- OpenAPI (Admin)
Modules API
Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Modules via the public API endpoint using "where" filtering. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Properties API
Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Module Properties via the public API endpoint as well as setting their sort order and Retrieving and Updating Property settings. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Items API
Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Module Items via the public API endpoint using "where" filtering as well as Retrieve and Update Module Item's SEO data. - Content Modules
Custom Modules
Custom Modules can be used to construct simple or complex data structures as a way to dynamically manage the content on your site or web application. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Items Attributes API
Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Module Items Attributes via the public API endpoint via "where" filtering as well as update the attribute sort order. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Items Attribute Options API
Create, Update and Delete Module Items Attribute Options via the public API endpoint. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Item Draft API
Update and Delete Module Item Drafts via the public API endpoint including the publishing of drafts. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Item Prices API
Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete a Module Item's Prices via the public API endpoint. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Item Inventory API
Retrieve, Update and Delete Module Item Inventory via the public API endpoint as well as generating inventory variations. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Item Related Items API
Retrieve and Update a Module Item's Related Items via the public API endpoint. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Item Grouped Items API
Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete a Module Item's Grouped Items via the public API endpoint. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Item Parent Items API
Retrieve and Update a Module Item's Parent Items via the public API endpoint. - Extensions
Import/Export of Modules
Quickly and easily replicate (or back-up) a complete Custom Module configuration via import/export, including; Settings, Properties, Layouts and Table setup. - OpenAPI (Admin)
Module Layouts API
Create, Retrieve, Update or Delete Module Layouts via the public API endpoint using "where" filtering.
External Resources
There are currently no external resources available.
Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.
We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.
Visit the Treepl Forum for community support and to search previously asked questions or send us a message at and we will consult you as soon as possible.