Change log

Migrating from Liquid 2.0 to 3.0

This article describes differences and possible required actions for migrating from the Liquid rendering engine v2.0 to v3.0.

Difference #1:
collectionVariable for the "item_attributes" component

Take the following component tag example:

{% component source: "Products", ... type: "item_attributes", collectionVariable: "myVariableName" %}

When using this collectionVariable it had an unnecessary items property (items should just be accessible directly in the root of the collection).

Here is the difference between the collectionVariable output between Liquid 2.0 and Liquid 3.0:

item_attributes component

Required Actions

If you have used custom collection (via collectionVariable) for product attributes on your sites than you should adjust the usage of your variable from, for example, this: myVariableName.items.attributes to just: myVariableName.attributes

Alternatively, you can also create custom layout file and move you code into this file, again replacing myVariableName.items.attributes to this.attributes. Then you can assign your custom layout file using the layout: "/path/to/file" parameter, rather than the collectionVariable.

Difference #2:
Component support for "layout" parameter

In Liquid 3.0 we have fixed a bug with the layout parameter used to omit the default layout, or assign a custom layout file, for component tags.

For most components the functionality is as follows (and will not change):

If component has no layout param - component should render Default layout
If layout param is an empty string layout: "" then do not render any layout

In Liquid 2.0 there was a bug for almost all ecommerce related components:

If you set collectionVariable param - then layout wasn't rendered.

According to the proper functionality, in order to omit the default layout the component should be used with the layout: "" param.

Take the following example:

{% component type: "currencies", collectionVariable: "myVariableName" %}

In Liquid 2.0 the default layout would not be rendered (but should have been).
In Liquid 3.0 the default will be rendered.

To omit the default layout, specify an empty value for the layout param:

{% component type: "currencies", layout: "", collectionVariable: "myVariableName" %}

In addition, the following component types now support the layout parameter:

{% component type: "api" %}
{% component type: "categories" %}

Exceptions to this 'Layout' rendering:
"Snippet" and "Menu" components will skip layout rendering if collectionVariable is applied (as it was in Liquid 2.0).
The default layouts for these comonents remain as before; the default "layoutGroup" for Menus and the body content for Snippets (the Snippet's layout cannot be overriden).

Required Actions

If you have used the collectionVariable parameter for any components (particularly eCommerce related ones) AND have not specified the layout parameter as well, please check your implementation and add a layout (or empty value) in order to avoid situations where you get default layouts rendered on some pages where they should not.

Difference #3:
JSON Output: Fix Array Syntax

Take the following example of a Liquid array creation:

{% assign myList = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" | split : "," %}

The myList variable previously output in Liquid 2.0 as:


But this was incorrect and has been corrected in Liquid 3.0 to output in an array syntax (with square brackets):


Required Actions

If you are using comma separated output of array items using a direct output of the array variable, please replace {{myList}} with a filtered output of {{myList| join: ","}}.

Difference #4:
Liquid Comparisons: Empty Values

Fixed logic inconsistency when comparing two empty values of different type (0,"",null). Not all such comparisons would resolve to true in Liquid 2.0.

In Liquid 3.0 this has been corrected and an example of the differences are below:

Liquid 2.0

null == null  ->  true
null == 0  ->  false
null == ""  ->  false

"" == null  ->  true
"" == 0  ->  false
"" == ""  ->  true

0 == null  ->  true
0 == 0  ->  true
0 == ""  ->  true

Liquid 3.0

null == null  ->  true
null == 0  ->  true
null == ""  ->  true

"" == null  ->  true
"" == 0  ->  true
"" == ""  ->  true

0 == null  ->  true
0 == 0  ->  true
0 == ""  ->  true

Required Actions

This change shouldn’t affect too many implementations and should only make empty/null comparisons better. Really only if you had empty/null comparisons against `0` values might you need to make adjustments.

Difference #5:
Liquid Filters: url_encode and url_decode Converting Spaces

Implementation of these filters were fixed so it will no longer convert spaces into "+" but into "%20".

Take the following examples:

In Liquid 2.0:

{{"my url string with spaces %_+" | url_encode}}

Result = my+url+string+with+spaces+%25_%2B

In Liquid 3.0:

{{"my url string with spaces %_+" | url_encode}}

Result = my%20url%20string%20with%20spaces%20%25_%2B

Required Actions

This change should not affect any existing implementations since the “+” character was incorrect and would not have resolved the correct URL anyway.

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External Resources

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